STUDENT AREA (e-Learning)


Responsable(s) : BONNET STEPHANE,

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Contact Infos

Jacky Marino

GSM: +32(0)495 775 938

Pascal Mossiat

GSM: +32(0)495 487 046

Copyright ©1997-2024
All Rights Reserved

Effective Date: 25 May 2018

We, ADIP (Association Des Instructeurs de Plongée), are aware of privacy issues that occur during the usage of products, services, and websites.
Therefore we strictly follow the all data protection procedures regarding the full security of your personal information.
Our privacy policy applies to:
  • * using ADIP’s products and services,
  • * visiting the,, … websites,
  • * visiting any other linked pages or application services offered by ADIP.
By doing all of the above actions, you confirm that you accept our Privacy Policy.
The following Privacy Policy covers handling of personally identifiable information ('Personal Information') collected by ADIP when you use our products and services.

Collection and Use of Information

While you are visiting our website, we may collect and use different types of information about you.
This information is used only for fast and efficient rendering of our products and services to our members.
In addition, we may use your personal information to provide you with relevant information about the product or service that you are using, including updates and notifications.

Personal Information We Collect

We gather the following data from our members:

Information Provided by You

You will be required to provide your Personal Information at our website or in any other way.
This information is:
  • * Login and password;
  • * Name; First name; Date of birth; Address; Foto ID; Phone number; Gender;
  • * Club, School, Diving center
  • * Contact details (such as email address);
  • * Communication with ADIP support (via emails or calls).

As an member (instructor):
You have to create a ADIP account using 'New Access' services. This service will authenticate your identity and provide you with an option to share specific personal information with us such as your name and email address.

Information Provided by You will be used for:

  • * Creation of ADIP account;
  • * Emails informing about news, updates etc.
  • * Providing member support and responding to member requests.
This data enables fast and efficient rendering of our products and services to our members.
In addition, it is used for communication purposes, such as notifying you about product updates or special news.

User information is not combined with information from other sources.

Once you use our website, the information collected by our site is linked to your personal information and can be used to handle any technical, product, or member support requests that you may send to us.

Information Collected Automatically

In addition to the information you enter yourself, we may collect some information automatically for optimizing your experience when visiting our website and improving the website itself, including but not limited to:
  • * Device information;
  • * User configuration information;
  • * Cookies;
  • * Browser information.

This data is used for the following purposes:

  • * Finding out how many people visit our website and how frequently;
  • * Learning how many people use our products and services;
  • * Finding out which products and services are used more frequently than others;
  • * Showing the history of the pages you visited on our website;
  • * Collecting some other statistical information.

Collecting Information from Children

Company’s website are not directed to children.

However, instructor members can provide us with information about minors when applying for certifications for minors.

The company ADIP may not knowingly collect any personally identifiable information from children under 16 years of age.

If you are under 16 years of age, then please do not connect you our website.

ADIP reserves the right to delete this information if it learns that Personally Identifiable Information about or from children under the age of 16 has been collected without parental consent.
If you are a parent or guardian and discover that your child under the age of 16 has obtained an account on our services, then you may contact our Member support at and request to delete that child’s personal information.

Information collected via ADIP:

  • * Email address;
  • * Acceptance of the ADIP Regulation;
  • * Acceptance that your data (surname, first name, date of birth, number member, school) may be visible on the website;

No more information collected that the ADIP needs.

Collected Information is used for:

  • * Registration of the ADIP account;
  • * Proper functioning of ADIP website;
  • * Supplying you services.
  • * Printing certifications cards.
  • * Delivering pedagogic support.

If you want to delete your ADIP account please, contact our member support at But you are loosing your member status .

Information Collected via Email:

Occasionally you will receive member satisfaction surveys via email where you will be asked to provide us with your opinion and some additional personal information.
It will be used solely by us for our internal usage to improve our products, our support and services, overall, making your user experience better.

Information that is Collected and Provided by Third Parties:

Some of your Personal Information, such as your name, email address and other information, may be collected and provided to us by third parties (Instructors).

We will use your personal information collected in this way only in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Privacy Policy of a third party service.

Data Retention

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services.
In the event you terminate your relationship with ADIP, we may retain information necessary to resolve disputes, enforce our user agreement, protect our legal rights, and comply with technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity, and operation of ADIP.
Otherwise, we will retain your personal information for as long as reasonably necessary to provide you services, create and improve ADIP, comply with the law, and to run our business.
If you wish to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services contact our member Support at

Data Sharing

We may occasionally hire other companies, consultants and contractors to provide limited services on our behalf. Example: Printing certifications cards.
We will only provide those companies the personal information they need to deliver the service.
They are required to maintain the confidentiality of the information and are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.

Sharing Your Personal Information

We may share your information (identifiable or non-identifiable) in the event of:

Affiliates: In some cases, we may closely cooperate with some companies and/or businesses, and may require your Personal Information for various transactions with these partners.

Developers: We may send your data to developers whose services are presented on our website. You can find information on how developers use personal data you provide to them in their privacy policy.

Agents: We may employ other companies to act as intermediate parties for us; therefore, we may share our member’ private information with them. These agents will not use your information for purposes other than assisting us.

Business Transfers: Member information belongs to the ADIP’s business assets. Therefore if the Company becomes owned by a third-party as the result of a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or bankruptcy, member information will be passed to this third party as well.

Protection of the Company and Others:

It may be necessary − by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities and institutions to disclose your Personal Information. We may also disclose information about you if we determine that such disclosure is necessary or appropriate for purposes of national security, law enforcement, or other issues of public importance.
We may also disclose information about you if we determine that disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce our terms and conditions or protect our operations or users.

With Your Consent:

You will be informed about other possible cases of sharing your Personal Information, and will have the right to prevent this.
We do not sell, rent, or trade your Personal Information to anyone.

Tracking Technologies

Through the use of “cookies” and other technologies, we may collect data in order to, among other things, make it easier to navigate our Site and to optimize the user experience across multiple devices.

This data may include, but is not limited to the following:

  • * The website that referred you to us;
  • * The web pages you viewed on our site;
  • * Store your browser preferences such as language and currency;


We use cookies to track your actions on our website. These small text files are stored on your hard drive and make it possible for our systems to recognize your browser. You can turn off cookies in your browser, but then you wouldn't have access to some essential features of our website.
Additionally, we use third party cookies for analytical purposes. These cookies are:
  • * Google Analytics;
  • * Google Publisher Tag;

You can manage any cookies preferences at within the cookie policy settings in the browser(s) you use.

Control of Your Personal Information

ADIP respects enhanced user privacy controls.
We support the development and implementation of a standard 'Do Not Track' browser feature, which is being designed to provide members with control over the collection and use of information by third parties regarding their web-browsing activities.
At this time ADIP does not respond to 'Do Not Track' mechanisms. Once a standardized 'Do Not Track' feature is released, ADIP intends to adhere to the browser settings accordingly.
Except as otherwise described in this statement, personal information you provide on our website won’t be shared without your permission.
To the extent we are legally permitted to do so, we will take reasonable steps to notify you in the event that we are required to provide your personal information to third parties as part of legal process.

Privacy Settings

ADIP fully respects your privacy and will use only the minimum personal data required to improve our services and personalize our recommendations.
You can review and manage your privacy settings by contacting our member Support in written via
Note: In the event that you request to delete your information that is stored in our database you will no longer have access to the services associated with your account.


Security of your information is critical to us, and we do our best to secure your information. However, remember that the Internet is not a secure environment, so we encourage you to be vigilant about protecting the confidentiality of your information.
We have implemented a number of security features within the site that are intended to help prevent the unauthorized release of or access to the members information we collect online.
As we described above, we collect different kinds of information. Specifically, it is Personally Identifiable Information and non-Personally Identifiable Information. Each kind of information has its own appropriate level of protection. For example, there is no need to protect non-Personal Information with the highest level of security.

To protect your Personal Information, we restrict access to it to Company members instructors and agents who need it to perform their job duties.
In addition, those who have access to Personal Information are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined if they fail to meet these obligations.
We protect your information by using physical, technical, and administrative security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, and alteration. Nevertheless, no one can guarantee absolute protection of your Personal Data. You must also do your part in protecting the data, systems, networks, and services that you are using.
Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites and services that may be linked from our website.
If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us by contacting us.

Changes To This Policy

We will keep you up to date about any possible changes to our Privacy Policy. As soon as such changes occur, we will inform you via email and/or via our website.


We are open to any questions about this Privacy Policy. Please address all your concerns to our member Support at